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October 13, 2005

I won't give it up.

I had known it before I started.

What it requires.

It's a lot.

Most of the time, it seems like an endless path of endurance.

Some may say it requires self-discipline.

For others, it may seem nothing but a self-torture.

As many already know, there are plenty who tried and have already given up.

As many already know, ther are also quite a few who tried and have overcome it.

As many already know, there are some who tried but have not given up yet.

To me, I have not even tried it. And I already feel that it certainly is beyond a self-torture. It seems nothing but a stupidity.

To me, I do not even know how hard it really is.

To me, running away from the battle does much more harm on my mind than losing it couple of times.

Yeah, I won't give it up.

coz.. I cannot.

author aglogin : October 13, 2005 11:02 PM

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