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October 14, 2005


Mr. Yamamoto Shinji who I crazily admire stated something about breaking balance in one of his wonderful books.

(This is not an exact quotation. It is rather my interpretation)
You need to break balance to take a step forward.

If you try to take a step forward while trying to keep balance at the same time, you are most likely to have half-way attitude toward everything and to work on them half-heartedly and to end up getting a half-way solution.

I instantly felt that this is very true. And I instantly knew that this is exactly what I am trapped in.

That is why I am always in "not fully satisfied" sort of state of mind. I hate to see myself like that.

If I really wanna pass the CCIE exam, I must break balance and take one step forward.

Just one step.

But it'll be a huge step for me.

author aglogin : October 14, 2005 08:46 PM

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