
GNS3 is frequently upgraded, and we will explain in detail how to upgrade your GNS3 version, including screenshots.


Official GNS3 Web site page on how to upgrade.


GNS3 Upgrade Flow

The flow of upgrading GNS3 is as follows.

  1. Upgrade GNS3 Client
  2. Upgrade GNS3 VM

The GNS3 client version must match the GNS3 VM version; please upgrade not only the GNS3 client but also the GNS3 VM together. If you are not using GNS3 VM server, you do not need to upgrade GNS3 VM.

Note that this page is based on the following environment

Host OSWindows10 Pro
Virtualization HypervisorVMware Workstation 16.6.2

Upgrade GNS3 Client

Upgrading the GNS3 client is very easy. Just run the GNS3 installer again. The following steps will upgrade the GNS3 client itself.

  1. Download the latest GNS3 installer from the official GNS3 website
  2. Execute GNS3 installer


GNS3 installer download location


Note that executing the installer will uninstall the previous version of the GNS3 client. Please back them up if necessary.

Upgrade GNS3 VM

Upgrading GNS3 VM is performed on GNS3 VM; press [Enter] on the VM Information screen of GNS3 VM to display the menu.

Select “Upgrade” from the menu and press “OK” to proceed.

You will be prompted to take a snapshot of the GNS3 VM. If necessary, please create a snapshot of the GNS3 VM so that it can be restored later.

Select the version of GNS3 VM you wish to upgrade to and proceed with [OK]. The GNS3 VM upgrade will then begin; select the same version as the GNS3 client.

The upgrade process takes about 10 minutes. Once the upgrade is complete, the GNS3 VM will automatically restart.

Confirm GNS3 Upgrade

The version of the GNS3 client can be found in the menu [Help] -> [About], and the version of the GNS3 VM is displayed on the VM Information screen.

Also, please confirm in the Server Summary section of the GNS3 client that the GNS3 client and GNS3 VM are properly linked.


  • GNS3 Upgrade Procedure
    • Upgrade GNS3 Client
    • Upgrade GNS3 VM
  • To upgrade the GNS3 client, execute the latest version of the installer.
  • To upgrade GNS3 VM, select “Upgrade” from the GNS3 VM menu.
  • Make sure that the versions of the GNS3 client and GNS3 VM match.