2021/11/16/ / Last updated : 2021/11/26/ Gene Specific example of native VLAN mismatch If the native VLAN configuration is mismatched, the VLAN with the unmatched configuration will not be able to communicate. Let’s consider a specific example of a native VLAN mismatch.
2021/8/2/ / Last updated : 2021/8/6/ Gene OSPF DR/BDR DR (Designed Router)/BDR (Backup Designated Router) is a router that is elected to efficiently synchronize LSDB on a multi-access network such as Ethernet.
2021/2/18/ / Last updated : 2021/3/11/ Gene Configure System Clock It is very important to configure the correct time for network devices such as routers and switches. This section explains how to configure the system clock for Cisco devices.
2020/12/7/ / Last updated : 2021/2/5/ Gene Automatically enter privileged EXEC mode upon CLI login This section describes how to automatically enter privileged EXEC mode when logging into the CLI.
2020/9/27/ / Last updated : 2021/8/3/ Gene Configuring and Verifying OSPF Hello/Dead interval Describes the commands for configuring and verifying the OSPF Hello/Dead interval on Cisco routers.
2020/9/4/ / Last updated : 2021/2/8/ Gene interface range command -Batch configuration of multiple interfaces- The interface range command allows you to configure multiple interfaces at once.
2020/4/13/ / Last updated : 2021/3/10/ Gene LAN Design pattern : 2-tier and 3-tier The network of a company’s site is mainly consisted of Layer 2 switches and Layer 3 switches. There are two ways of thinking about designing a LAN: the two-layer model and the three-layer model.
2020/2/17/ / Last updated : 2021/8/4/ Gene OSPF Hello Packet OSPF Hello packets are used to establish OSPF neighbors; this section details the format of OSPF Hello packets and the conditions for establishing a neighbor.
2020/2/16/ / Last updated : 2021/9/24/ Gene OSPF Router ID : Identify OSPF routers The router ID is a 32-bit number that identifies the OSPF router. Just like IPv4 addresses, it’s an 8-bit decimal number separated by “. (dot)” and then write four of them in a row.
2020/1/8/ / Last updated : 2023/3/3/ Gene nslookup command : Verifying DNS name resolution The nslookup command is used to manually verify DNS name resolution. This section explains how to use the nslookup command and provides examples of command execution.