What is terminal length ?

The terminal length is the number of lines displayed in the command output. In the case of a long display result, such as the show running-config command, the output display will stop at the terminal length. In this case, “–More–” will be displayed. To continue the output of the command when the display is interrupted by “–More–“, perform the following keyboard operation.

  • space : Continue displaying for terminal length
  • Enter : Continue to display one line
  • Any key other than the above : Stop the display
図 terminal length
図 terminal length

Configure the terminal length

To change the terminal length, enter the following command in privileged EXEC mode.

Configure terminal length#terminal length <length>

<length> : Number of lines

The default for terminal length is 24. If terminal length is set to 0, the display of command output will not be interrupted. The output can be displayed all the way to the end. It is often used to set terminal length 0, for example when retrieving logs.

Note that the terminal length configuration is only available for the current session. Once you log out, it will return to the default value of 24. Instead of configuring the terminal length each time, you can also set the number of lines to be displayed in the output result of the command on the line.

Configure the number of lines to be displayed on the line.(config)#line {con 0 | aux 0 | vty 0 4}
(config-line)#length <length>

<length> : 行数

If you configure the number of lines to be displayed on the line, you can retain the configuration of the number of lines to be displayed even if you log out or reboot.

When you reboot, of course, save the configuration with copy running-config startup-config command.



  • The terminal length is the number of lines displayed in the output result of the command, which defaults to 24.
  • Commands that result in long output will be paused at the terminal length.
  • To configure the terminal length, enter the following command in privileged EXEC mode.
    • #terminal length <length>
  • By setting the terminal length to 0, it will display all the way to the end without interrupting the display.

Cisco Basic